These projects were produced in the last month of
ECE 4760 each spring. The students were given the responsibility of choosing their project, then designing and building it. Several have been
published. The microcontroller used is the
Atmel ATmega series. This year we use the Mega644 microprocessor. Send comments or questions to
Bruce Land,
Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Before 2009, we used the
Codevision C compiler, now we use
Project numbers are for identification and
do not represent ranking.
Spring 2011
Banner_image, hackedgadgets, adafruit, igadgetview,
- Wireless Programmable Pace Swim Clock (video, final packaging) hackaday
- Rockband vocal bot (video1, video2, youtube, youtube) hackaday
- DJ Multitouch -- A FTIR Touchscreen Device (video1, video2)
- FaceAccess -- A Portable Face Recognition System (video) zedomax, make magazine, hackaday, adafruit, electronics-lab, crunchgear
- Voice decoder for vowels (video, youtube1, youtube2) hackaday, hacked gadgets, electronics-lab,
- Wireless, web-based, cardiac monitor (video)
- A Portable, Automated, web-based Bird Trapping Mechanism (video)
- Yutnori - Korean Traditional Game (video)
- Autonomous visually steered car (video1, video2, video3) hackaday
- Step Sequencer Drum Machine (video)
- LED-Following K'NEX Car
- Rock-Paper-Scissors Sensor Glove (video) hackedgadgets
- Ear Trainer (video1, video2)
- TI Calculator Wireless Chat (video)
- Sonar SensCap (video1, video2, video3)
- Keyboard synthesizer workstation (video)
- Sonar sensor, air Levitation game (video1, video2, video3, video4) -- broken css
- Compact Guitar Pedalboard (video1, video2)
- Digitally Controlled Electric Guitar (video1, video2, video3)
- Pitch shifter (video1, video2)
- Embedded Foot Pronation Detection (video)
- Human Tracking Fan System (video1, video2)
- Invisible band (video, youtube)
- Sheet Music Notator (video1, video2, video3)
- ToneMatrix Touch Sequencer (hackaday)
- Automated grapefruit segmenter (video1, video2) youtube
- Motion Sensing powerpoint controller
- Snorecorder with SD Logging
- Heat Control system
- Paddle-controlled helicopter (video1, video2, video3)
- XBee RF Smart Energy Compliant Power Meter
- Hand controller for Parrot AR Drone Quadricopter (video)
- Wireless, gesture-controlled tank toy
Spring 2010
kanda, )
- Human Tetris -- Video object tracking (video part1, part2, part3, youtube) engadget, hackaday, avrfreaks, hackedgadgets, (1920x1080 slide)
- Auditory navigator (video part1, part2, part3) (1920x1080 slide) Circuit Cellar Magazine Nov 2011, issue #256, pp24-29
- USB wireless tilt mouse (video part1, part2, part3, full)
- Automated Rock Band player (video) (1920x1080 slide)
- Glove Midi Controller (youtube video) hackedgadgets
- Automated Pavlovian Classical Conditioning of Mosquitos (1920x1080 slide)
- Remote control airship (video part1, part2, part3) image
- CMOS Camera Rock Paper Scissors Game System
- Theremin Hero (video)
- Scanner using phototransistor array (youtube)
- RFID sales checkout system (video) Circuit Cellar Magazine Issue #251 June 2011
- RFID based Mobile Payment System
- Talking voltmeter (video part1, part2, part3, part4) adafruit
- Heart rate monitor (video)
- Gesture Based Touchpad Security system (youtube) Circuit Cellar Magazine, #252, July 2011, pp54-62
- Glove control helicopter (video part1, part2, part3) early version
- Virtual Archery (video part1, part2, part3)
- Acoustic data modem (video)
- Motion Adaptive Alarm Clock
- Zigbee Wireless Relay Control and Power Monitoring System
- Low-Cost Portable Potentiostat for Biosensing Applications
- Point of Sale Terminal
- FM radio receiver
- Mister Gloves - A Wireless USB Gesture Input System (youtube) hackaday (1920x1080)
- Accelerometer Based Hand Action Recognition
- Home energy managment
- Self-Adaptive Hybrid Electro-Magnetic Levitation and Active Balancing System
- Digital Oscilloscope
- Optical eye tracking (video) hackedgadgets
- Guitar Blocks (video)
- Haptic Exercise Coach
Spring 2009
- ATmega644 JTAG Debugger
- Ultrasonic Haptic Vision (MP4, MP4, MP4)
- Haptic appointment manager (MP4 lots of wind and construction noise)
- 3D ultrasonic mouse (MP4, MP4, MP4)
- 3D scanner (MP4) (hackedgadgets)
- Gesture Recognition Based on Scratch Inputs (MP4) (uelectronics, )
- LED Sensor Keyboard (MP4 7Mb) (hackaday)
- Touchpad/Infrared Music Synthesizer (MP4)
- Programmable Synthesized Guitar (MP4)
- Der Kapellmeister (MP4)
- IR harp (MP4, MP4)
- Digital Receipts System (hackedgadgets, zedomax, uelectronics, )
- ODB-II Automotive data interface (hackaday, )
- Traction control system
- ACL Research: Foot Acceleration Sensor
- Fart Intensity Detector (MP4) (kitecrazy, hackaday, Popular Science sept09, Dvice, )
- Dual-Channel Mobile Surface Electromyograph (MP4)
- Tissue Impedance Digital Biopsy
- GPS Data Logger with Wireless Trigger (hackaday)
- Self-Adjusting Window Shade
- Weather Canvas (MP4)
- Autonomous Self-parking car (MP4, MP4)
- Holonomic Drive Vehicle with Stochastic Evolution
- Ball Picker Robot (MP4)
- BalanceBot (MP4)
- Snakearm Multiple PID motor controller (with Wiimote!) (MP4)
- Electric Etch (MP4, MP4)
- POV display (MP4) (hackaday)
- POV display
- Alarm clock with speech synthesis
- Blackout game
- ESD Foam Touch Controlled Brick Blaster
- NES emulator (uelectronics, )
- Laser Audio Transmitter
- Voice Tuner
- Wireless music player
- Multisensor Data Transmission
- Heliostat (MP4)
- Wii Conductor
- Musical Blocks
- Tic Tac Toe with CMOS Camera
- Robot Plotter
Spring 2008
Esskay Institute)
- PowerBox: smart AC outlet with metering and control
- Rhythm Ring: Interactive Rhythm Sequencer (MP4 video) (youtube and another)
- Trumpet MIDI Controller (MP4 video) (longer 53 Mbyte MP4 video)
- Air Drums (MP4 video), (MOV video) (youtube)
- Recorder Hero (MP4 video)
- Dueling Banjos (MP4 video)
- Intelligent wireless pedometer
- Networked Biometric Authentication
- Easy Input -head controlled mouse and keyboard interface (MP4 video1, video2)
- Virtual Keyboard (Circuit Cellar Magazine, issue #227, June 2009 page 14-19)
- 3D LED display (MOV video 60 Mbyte) (MP4 video)
- BordFree videogame (MP4 video)
- Haptic glove (MP4 video1, video2)
- High Speed Photography Controller
- 3D Maze in a Box video game (MP4 video)
- 3D Video Game Control (MP4 video)
- Multi-Player Light Cycle on Color TV (MP4 video)
- Gesture-driven Tetris (MP4 video)
- Remote Chess
- Data Acquisition System With Controller Area Network and SD Card
- Automotive On-Board Diagnostics Reader
- Adaptive 60 Hz Noise Cancellation
- Neural Net Helicopter (MP4 video)
- Accelerometer Controlled R/C Vehicle (MP4 video)
- Robot Arm (MP4 video)
- Help Quit Smoking Watch
- Electronic Impact Vest (MP4 video) (hacknmod) (Gizmodo)
- TouchSynth (MP4 video)
- TriWheeler robot (MP4 video) (youtube)
- Music Wand: Real-Time Optical Scanning of Sheet Music (MP4 video)
- Teaching an old clock (GE® Model 8116k) new tricks
- Shark Tag Microcontroller Platform
- Ghost Writer Robot (MP4 video)
- Rocket Inertial Navigation System (MP4 video)
- Guitar Tuner (MP4 video) (youtube)
- Scheme Interpreter
- Minigolf video game (MP4 video)
- Battlezone video game
- Laser Simon
- Snake Arm Glove
- Wiimote Crane
- Radio Beacon Finder
Spring 2007
Make Magazine, hackedgadgets,
bothack )
- Portable, color, tilt-controlled, video game (pictures 1, 2, 3, 4) (MP4-20MB)
- TouchPad video game (MP4-12MB)
- Laser Pong (mpeg: Bruce and Bryan playing) (, gizmodo, ubergizmo, engadget )
(NEXT no. 5: MINDBLOWERS, Denmark April 2008, (picture of Adrian at show, coverage in Danish newspaper)
- Movement to Music: A Wearable Wireless Motion Sensor system (MP4-17MB)
- Music-controlled Puppet (MP4-21MB)
- Line-following car (mpeg) (YouTube)
- Audio homing robot (hackedgadgets)
- Model retina: color tracker (mpeg)(MP4-23MB)
- Evolving neural robot
- MCU MIDI synthesizer
- AirJam: wearable air guitar (pictures 1, 2) (MP4-23MB)
- USB host controller (obsolete 476 version: USB host controller)
- UDP/Ethernet Controlled Temperature Regulator
- Dynamically reconfigurable MCU communication (local copy)
- Telescope controller
- Morse code interpreter, with speech synthesis
- Complex impedance analyzer
- uControl DVD macro-controller
- SD card MP3 player
- iPod controller
- USB Magnetic Mouse/Touchpad
- Polygraph (hacked-gadgets)
- Elevator Bank
- Pinball machine (MP4-15Mb)
- Guitar legend maker
- Braille reader
- Ultrasonic parking aid
- Retractable Alarm Clock (hackedgadgets)
- Autonomous Blimp (hackedgadgets)
- Automatic pet feeder
- Programmable medication scheduler
- CCD imager
- CalcParser
- Firefly synchronization
- Graphing calculator
- Speech recognition jukebox
- Speech recognition chess
- Sound Source Triangulation Game
- Touch Screen Controlled R/C Car
- AppleII emulator
Spring 2006
Make Magazine,
- HDD analog clock with LCD touchscreen
- CUAUV Voltage Sniffer
- CUsat diagnostic board
- SearchBot (mpeg)
- RoboSweeper (mpeg, another mpeg)
- CoolerBot
- MCU/FPGA color video Game Platform (mpeg)
- Higher resolution color TV
- Color TV using two MCUs
- Musical Water Fountain (mpeg) (avi 20 Mbytes with sound)
- Two-TV video air Hockey (mpeg)
- Karaoke machine all schematics are missing.
- Dual control R/C car
- Guitar Synthesizer
- Self-powered solar data logger (Circuit Cellar magazine, issue #198, Jan 2007, page 12 , toc)
- Lighting control system
- Intelligent multimedia
- ADPCM voice recorder
- Reflow oven controller (Circuit Cellar magazine, issue #199, Feb 2007, page 46 )
- Ultrasonic spotlight tracker
- Galvanic skin response meter
- RFID security system (AVR design contest 2006) (Circuit Cellar magazine, issue #199, Feb 2007, page 24)(hackedgadgets)
- Autonomous Helicopter (mpeg) (AVR design Contest 2006 ) (hackedgadgets)
- Voice recognition car
- Speech recognition security system
- Morse code transmit and receive
- Secure LED
- SwingBot (mpeg)
- SwingBot (mpeg)
- Barcode scanner
- Soccermania video game
- Capacitance sensor MIDI keyboard
- Grillzilla wireless meat thermometer
- Para-para-revolution video game (mpeg)
- SnakeArm ultrasonic positioning control
- Sign language coach (mpeg)
- Radial ChalkBot
- Bicycle computer
- Handwriting Recognition System
- GPS World
- Video puzzle
- Chess Robot
Spring 2005
AVR Freaks)
- kaOS operating system and loader (Circuit Cellar Magazine, Issue #193 Aug 2006 page 56) (AVR design contest 2006)
- Keyboard mania (mpeg 19 Mbyte)
- Super Breakout video game (mpeg 1.9 Mbytes)
- Jezzball video game
- Duckhunt video game (mpeg 2.4 Mbytes)
- The Contender video game (mpeg 4.5 Mbytes)
- Big Red Juice Mixer (Slashdot article Monday, May 2, 2005)
- Color Tetris video game
- LightRover - light sensing robot
- PPP-Palm
- WeatherDog
- Virtual Pool (wmv 900 Kbytes) (Circuit Cellar Magazine, Issue #184 November 2005 )
- AirMouse (Circuit Cellar Magazine, Issue #191 June 2006, article)
- SharpShooter video game
- Neural net robot
- Wireless Electromyograph
- Stepper Motor Indexer & Decoder
- Turbidity meter
- Human Motion Capture
- Accelerometer Mouse
- Wireless Telemetry (avi 6 Mbytes) (HackADay Feb 16, 2006)
- Portable Security System
- Blood Pressure Monitor
- Missle Command video game
- Super Breakout video game (some images broken)
- Breathalyser door lock
- Programmable IR receiver and Connect-4 game
- MIDI drum controller
- Vocal Tuner
- RoboDog
- PC temperature control
- Dungeons of Doom video game
- Dual control RC car
- Solar Tracker
- GPS/inertial guidance
- Digger video game
- Gauntlet of uComputation
- CubeSat Diagnostics board
- Digital voice recorder
- ISREVER (Reversi) video game
- Frequency Division Multiplexing for a Multi-Sensor Wireless Telemetry System
- Shooting star video game
- Electronic Dartboard
- Kasubana electronic flower
- Bar Inventory System
- Voting Machine
- EyeSnake video game
- Digital Guitar tuner
- Automated Juice Mixer
- Mega32 webserver (code)
Spring 2004
robotics India, )
- Digital Stethoscope (Mpeg of display)
- Graduate from Cornell video game
- Flat Bed Scanner
- Non-orthogonal Plotter (mpeg)
- Mouse Painter
- Paint with mouse input
- Radio Controlled outlet strip
- Autonomous navigating robot (mpeg)
- Nova Strike video game
- Digital Compass
- MiniGolf video game with putter
- MiniGolf video game (mpeg)
- Programmable remote control
- Electr-O-Sketch (slashdot article) (Forbes article, follow the Custom Gadgets You Can't Buy link)
- Pong2
- Ultrasonic Rangefinder
- Mega32 Basic
- Music Synthesizer with Interactive TV Display
- Laser Morse code tutor
- Pump It Up audio game
- Guitar Tuner
- Beverage Monitor (slashdot article)
- MP3 radio
- Smart blinds
- Keypaw
- Home Security System
- Bar Code Scanner
- Implementation of a (31, 16) BCH code on a Microcontroller
- Ball Fight Video Game
- Breath Alcohol Tester
- WinAmp controller
- WinAmp Controller
- Eye-in-the-sky (mpeg of camera head)
- Xylophone
- Scorched Earth video game
- WonderSwan Development Cartridge
- Star Duel video game
- Big Red Map (Mpeg of engineering quad)
- Missle Command video game
- 3D gForce mouse
- Stationary Helicopter (mpeg)
- Remote control car
- Weather Station
- BlindBot
- Infrared Tracking System
Spring 2003
AVR Freaks)
- Inverted Pendulum Balancer
- Variable Traffic Controller
- MazeRunner Video Game
- 6502 Emulation on an Atmel Mega32
- Electronic Virtual Animal
- Arkanoid Video Game
- Cantneroid Video Game
- Digi-Level
- Reversi Video Game
- Guitar Special Effects
- Tap the Dance
- Graphing Calculator
- Dartboard with Video
- Memory Video Game
- Treasure of the High Seas Video Game
- PacMan Video Game
- SpaceInvaders Video Game
- Space Fighter Video Game
- Frogger Video Game
- MIDI synthesizer
- Radio Control Car
- Sound Effects Processor
- Battleship Video Game
- Wireless Keyboard
- DuckHunter Video Game
- MineSweeper Video Game
- Vehicle Performance Meter
- Digital Preamplifier
- Tetris Video Game
- Hockey Video Game
- Gray-scale Graphics: Dueling Ships
- Connect-4 Video Game
- Laser Light Show
- Wireless Drawing Device
- Laser Communications System
- TouchPad Drawing Board
- IntelliBot
- Sheet Music Generator
- Multi-Zone Fire Alarm System
Spring 2002
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Tic-Tac-Toe on TV
- Snake on TV
- Hard drive AVR programmer
- Audio Frequency Response Analyzer
- Line following autonomous car
- Safety-sensor vehicle
- MP3 Player
- MP3 Player
- Simon
- GPS AmeriMap
- Home security system
- Voice Activated Alarm Clock
- Russianbloc on LCD
- Pong on LCD
- Pong on oscilloscope
- Music Synthesizer
- Club Light Controller
- Blackjack2go
- Blackjack
- Globe
- Accelerometer Gmouse
- Postage meter
- Digital Hourglass
- Cornopoly on LCD
- Phone Dialer
- Laser Tag
- Robot Cricket
- WindCaddy
- Hovercraft
- Sound targeting
- Nintendo 64 to PS/2 Mouse
- Golf
Spring 2001
(Several projects were featured in
Circuit Cellar magazine:
#145 page 44-51 and
#146 page 12-16: 2002)
- Fish: Video Controller
- PBX (Private Branch Exchange)
- Vertical Plotter
- X-Y Plotter
- Fertilizer Feedrate Controller
- Home Audio Control System
- SuperTrain Controller
- Digital Mirror Message Machine
- MP3 CD SuperJukebox
- Pre-emptive Operating System
- Wireless Internet Pager
- Wireless message Communicator
- Robot Arm
- Tilt Maze
- Ultra-Sonic Parking Assistant
- Cooking Coach
- BiLines
- gEECShip
- Graphing Calculator
- Web-based AVR Interface
- Midi Sequencer
- ECG monitoring system
- Autonomous Tank
- ZIP drive/Digital Camera
Spring 2000
- Digital Message Machine
- Web-Monitored Thermostat
- Analog modem
- Robot Arm
- Security Entrance System
- Radio-controlled Truck
- Temperature Datalogger
- MP3 player
- Pong
- Snake 476
- Ultimate Alarm Clock
- Beat Tracking Strobe
- Guitar Special effects: The Shredder
- Drum machine and Sequencer
- Digital Thermometer
- Digital Oscilloscope
- Arbitrary Waveform Generator
- 8-Trak Sampler
- Serial-port game board
- Secure RSA Credit Card Transaction System
- Mini Area Network
- Autonomous Robotic Cricket
- Zen Touchpad
Spring 1999
- Porche 911 Radio Controlled Car
- Autonomous Vehicle
- Spectrum Analyser
- Real-Time Guitar Tuner
- Whack-a-Cap
- CU Organizer
- Malay Language Learning kit
- Fixed point scientific calculator
- Etch-a-Sketch
- Real-time debugger
- VT100 Pong
- Home Security System
- Infrared Universal Remote Control
- Car Alarm System
- Hangman
- Simon
- Simon
- Answering Machine
- Thermostat
- BlackJack
- Blackjack
- Lego Vehicle
- RC car controller
- Sinewave Synthesizer
- Temperature and Pressure Control
- Video Frame Buffer