Final year engineering project : Energy saving lamp holder.

Title: Energy saving lamp holder.
Department: electrical engineering, electronic engineering, energy
saving projects,
Can be used for: paper presentations, final year engineering projects
for engineering students, energy saving project ideas.
Today for the entire world we are living in, Energy is one big need.
The demand and cost of this basic essential need is increasing rapidly.
While stated that the entire world is reining for new ways to save and
produced energy, the entire responsibility is left behind the
technologist and engineers. Right...
Electrical engineering project: Power electronics cooling device

Department: Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering.
Can be used for: Paper presentations, engineering projects for final
year engineering students, seminars on recent trends in power
Electrical engineering students who are interested in the core of the
stream selected will be very much interested in this topic for a final
year engineering project or paper presentations. Power electronic
projects and international standard papers are hard to find and select
in the internet these days....
BE Mechanical engineering project: Electromagnetic noise in resonant cavities and apertures

Title: Analysis and mitigation of electromagnetic noise in resonant
cavities and apertures.
Departments: Mechanical engineering projects, electrical engineering.
Can be used for: Projects by final year engineering students, higher
level projects, paper presentations.
Mechanical engineering students are the ones who are hitting this blog
more in numbers. In recent times, we found most of the students
belonging to this department are not interested in regular engineering
projects that all common final years do. These guys are interested in
Image compression projects: digital image processing (ECE, CSE projects)

Title: Fast Block-Pruned 4x4 DTTAlgorithm for Image Compression.
Department: Computer science engineering, Communication engineering,
electrical engineering, Digital image processing, Digital signal
Can be used for: Final year engineering projects, paper presentations,
research works.
Finding image compression and digital image processing project topics
for your final year engineering projects can be so easy and simple.
Because of the development in the trend of "project centers" and
guides. Still this project on digital image compression...
Electric bike final year engineering project ideas with details

Title: Electric bike, final year engineering project.
Department: Mechanical engineering, Automobile engineering, Electrical
Can be used for: This idea and paper can be used for developing a
proper final year project for the engineering students.
This project titling, Electric bike must normally attract larger number
of mechanical engineering students towards it. This is a real good
project for students who are all willing to do their final year
engineering projects on their own, without running into project
centers. This project...
ECE projects: Remote control for home appliances (Electronic projects)

Title: Remote control for home appliances (Electronic projects)
Departments: ECE projects, EEE projects, electronics engineering.
Can be used for: Hobby projects, Mini projects for engineering
This project was found while surfing the web. It was just brought into
our knowledge by one our team member and found to be a valuable
suggestion. This basic electronic project is purely application based
project. This can be constructed to improved the normal everyday living
experience of a normal person. This project is about a circuit that...
BE projects: Wireless mobile charing device projects

Title: Wireless mobile charing device projects
Departments: ECE projects, EEE projects, Electronics engineering,
electrical engineering.
Can be used for: Application oriented projects, final year engineering
This concept wordless mobile charging is one of the most commonly
though and dreamt project for most of the young minds. Though
researches are going on, in this particular topic by various technology
giants across the globe, Still there is no standard device released. So
this makes this topic more interesting for projects and...
Engineering projects: Repeaterless fiber optics communication.

Repeater less branch powered fiber optic communication.
Departments: Communication, Electronics and electrical,
Can be used for: Paper presentation and related study.
This is a project that falls under the subject of "FIber optics
communication". this papers idea was invented by Lars Erik Eskildsen,
Evan Lee Goldstein, Per Bang Hansen. The basics of this paper
presentation can be stated in this manner. The title suggests that the
engineering project in the fiber optics is to design a network with
branches that is repeater...
Mini project: Motion sensor projects for students

Motion sensor for security light.
Department: Electronics, electrical.Can be used: Mini project,
pre-final year projects, education purposes.
This is an other project that was originally hosted by EFY, ideas and
design by George varkey. This is another effective electronic project
that is working with the help of a PIR motion detector module. Here the
project is mainly designed for two purposes, to make the corridor light
work in the power saving mode and security device. This project
published in the EFY was highly effective and working...
Scada projects: Network data acquisition systems

Network data acquisition systems.
Mostly chosen: Electrical engineers, Electronics engineers, computer
science engineers.
Topic under: Scada technology project.
Can be used as : Final year BE project / Paper presentations for
P.S: Patent details are added in all the file, fro more information
contact us.
This is a project for final year engineering students. Scada projects
are widely accepted topic for engineering projects. we must know the
basics of scada before getting in to these higher level projects.
Getting in depth knowledge...
Renewable energy presentation (Trends)

the renewable energy paper-presentation: (Advance content)
The paper presentation created here is about the energy creation
and conservation. In the type of world we live today energy is been one
of the most important need undeniably. We know this is the one which is
going to be our concern in a very few years. Doing a paper presentation
on this topic always has an added advantage over the other topics for
an event. I get these kind of requests under the title "Renewable
energy resources". Our team has been...
Transformerless Solar Inverter

Abstract of
this energy paper-presentations :The H-bridge works by asymmetric
unipolar modulation. The high side of the asymmetric H-bridge should be
driven by 50Hz half-wave dependent on the polarity of the mains while
the opposite low side is PWM modulated to form the mains sinusoidal
shape. The 10nF ceramic capacitor (C5) should be placed close to the
gate-emitter pins of the high side transistors to eliminate cross
through conduction due to fast switching of the low side transistors. A
negative gate turn off voltage on the high side...
Paper presentation on electromechanical

are the paper presentation on the topic electromechanical application
which were presented at IEEE which i found on the web. i'm sharing it
with the readers on the request i got a couple of days ago. read it and
share it among friends!
Real world electromechanical problems require the ability to design
magnetic and electric components to produce needed forces and torques,
such as motor and solenoid design. Optimal electromechanical designs
are restricted by package size, weight, thermal considerations,
available power and many other...
Paper presentations: Power optimization

engineers, Todays latest paper presentations for electrical engineers!
An RF transceiver includes a low noise amplifier module, a blocking
circuit, a down-conversion module, a processing module, an
up-conversion module, and a power amplifier module. The low noise
amplifier module amplifies inbound RF signals. The blocking circuit,
when enabled, substantially attenuates a blocking signal and passes,
substantially unattenuated, desired receive RF signals of the inbound
RF signals. The down-conversion module converts the amplified inbound...
Paper presentation: Thermal power plant

Download this Thermal power paper here: Paper presentations - Seminars
The electric efficiency of a conventional thermal power station,
considered as sell able energy produced at the plant bus bars compared
with the heating value of the fuel consumed, is typically 33 to 48%
efficient, limited as all heat engines are by the laws of
thermodynamics. The rest of the energy must leave the plant in the form
of heat. This waste heat can be disposed of with cooling water or in
cooling towers. If the waste heat is instead utilized for e.g.
Automatic phase changer circuit

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Comic Sans MS'}
p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Comic Sans MS';
min-height: 16.0px} Title: Automatic phase changer project circuit
Department: EEE projects, electrical engineering, electronics
Can be used for: Mini projects, engineering projects, engineering
projects circuit diagrams
In three-phase applications, if low voltage is available in any or two
phases, and you want your equipment to work on normal voltage, this
circuit will solve your problem....
Solar Inverter: paper presentation
Transformerless Solar
H-bridge inverter
The H-bridge works by asymmetric unipolar modulation. The high side of
the asymmetric H-bridge should be driven by 50Hz half-wave dependent on
the polarity of the mains while the opposite low side is PWM modulated
to form the mains sinusoidal shape. The 10nF ceramic capacitor (C5)
should be placed close to the gate-emitter pins of the high side
transistors to eliminate cross through conduction due to fast switching
of the low side transistors. A negative gate turn off voltage on the
high side gate may also improve switching performance. The low side
gate drive resistor should be selected to adjust the speed of MOSFET
Download it at:
Paper presentation AC Drives
AC induction motors are
commonly used in industrial applications. The following motor
discussion will center around three-phase, 460 VAC, asynchronous,
induction motors. An asynchronous motor is a type of motor where the
speed of the rotor is other than the speed of the rotating magnetic
field. This
type of motor is illustrated. Electromagnetic stator windings are
mounted in a housing. Power connections, attached to the stator
windings, are brought out to be attached to a three-phase
power supply. On three-phase, dual-voltage motors nine leads are
supplied for power connections. Three power connection leads are shown
in the following illustration for simplicity. A rotor is mounted on a
shaft and supported by bearings. On self-cooled...
Presentation solid state drives
Solid state drives, EEE, ECE
presentation on solid state drives!
Abstract: Solid state ac derives have undergone 30 years of intense
development. however. progress in their design continues unabated. this
paper summarizes important developments in ac drives design which have
occurred in the past several years and which could be a portentous sign
of changes which may soon occur in the ac drive industry. in
particular, recent developments in the areas of converter design, motor
design, and control system are summarized and discussed. Download the
paper here:
Paper on Brushless DC motor
Shift-by-Wire is about
replacing the mechanical link between the automatic transmission and
the shift lever with an electromechanical system. This will make new
safety functions possible and assist the driver in other ways. To do
this, an actuator with a brushless DC motor is built into the
transmission. It controls the position of the shift valve, which
decides the driving position. This thesis concerns the controlling of
the brushless DC motor. This is done by programming a shift control
unit with a Motorola HC12 microcontroller. The performance of the motor
is then tested and evaluated. Keywords: Brushless DC motor,
Shift-by-Wire, Automatic transmission, Hall sensors, Pulse width
By applying the potent combination of BLDC...