


"Envision "is the annual product design competition organized by E-Cell. It caters to those visionaries who have it in them to impact our present, and revolutionize our future. The aim of this competition is to provide an arena where the next generation of block-buster products can be showcased and to provide a platform for the winners to take their idea to the next level. With the assistance of the TePP, feasible products can get upto 45 lacs worth of funding and mentorship.
Whether the products are software novelties or hardware designs, this contest offers you not only academic recognition but also helps you make that idea a reality. Only the most ground-breaking and innovative products are then developed further with the help of reputed individuals from academia, industry and organizations such as TEPP, TIETS, DST and venture capitalists.
We have recognized five different contention paths. Participants may classify their products in one of these paths along with their justifications.
  • Mechanical: Do you think your design can beat the Nano? Do you have a design for the next generation biped robot? Then this path is for you.
  • Electronics & Electrical: Is the idea for the next iPod floating in your head? Do you dream about circuits in your sleep? Follow your heart, follow your path!
  • Information Technology & Software: A path much treaded upon, but there is still a lot of scope for innovation in this field. Animation, business analytics, process automation, IT is just getting started.
  • Life Sciences & Biotechnology: Does your product promise a greener tomorrow? Do you have the solution for the ever increasing oil prices? Well what are you waiting for, start moving.
  • Miscellaneous: Select this path if you are in a quandary over which path to select."
    Update: The deadline for submissions for Envision 2012 in 30th October 2012 11:55 PM.
    contact information:
    you can send idea to this mail through your mail
    For further details or queries, contact
    Nishant Koul 
    +91 7797256928

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